Well, not blogging much, that's for sure. But all for good reason, I promise. Things are returning back to normal a bit around the shop now that the Great Adirondack trunk show is packed up and sent back. What a job that was, counting and sorting and packing!! But it was a success as usual, thanks Patti!! We received a bunch of new goodies this week, such as Koigu's Kersti, and lots of KPPPM. The colors are super yummy. Erika had the pleasure of unpacking a box of gorgeous Sea Silk from Hand Maiden. The colors are unbelievable. I better get crackin' for Mother's Day with all of these beautiful yarns around me to choose from, I really have no excuse!! Oh yeah and the Cali collection from Namaste is back in town. The bags are in stock once again - YEAH!!

Last Friday, I took Scarlett to Long Island, to my home town to see my family (my grandmother's house). We took a walk by the boats, and I showed her the port where I grew up. A walk down memory lane perhaps. I really miss the feel and smell of the salty air and the sound of seagulls and ships blowing their horns, you take it for granted when you hear it everyday- but thank goodness it never leaves you. I love that summer is coming, because we'll get to visit more often, she really loved it, (and loves her new sea horse necklace)...