Our neighbors, whom we love very much welcomed their second child this past week, for them- it meant paint the nursery, stock pile the diapers, and buy lots of clothes with ribbons and lace. For me of course, it meant stand in front of the KPPPM for 3 hours until I decide on a color, and then contemplate on which pattern for another 3 hours... I was spoiled a bit, I must say, with this last shipment of Koigu, the colors were insanely gorgeous, each and every one. I chose the Dress with Eyelets, from Debbie Bliss, and I could hardy resist this magenta multi. I crocheted a shell stitch on the botton of the dress out of a solid Koigu, it was perfect. It was received extremely well, and it's safe to say, there was even a tear or two. That completed the gift...

This week has been crazy at the shop, with the arrival of
Spud and Chloe, we officially have half of the shop dedicated entirely to Blue Sky, Spud and Chloe, and all of it's yummy goodness... The patterns are incredible, the yarn? It speaks for itself, I'm casting on tomorrow night- you didn't expect me to decide on a color in one whole work day, now did you? I don't know what more you really need, Blue sky has covered all bases, the yarn defines perfection, you must come to look and feel!! I'm so excited to go to work tomorrow!