Very happy to announce the arrival of the most yummy smelling wool wash ever!! I am a fan of aquae and flora myself. I can wait to use it, I might even get the chance tonight with my felted fedora hat that I am working on for tomorrow's needle felting get together in the shop. Some of us will be meeting here bright and early (well- around 10am- early for us night owls) to drink some joe and needle felt together, sounds like fun to me. Stop in, and bring your felted bags.
This week, I had a meeting with the
"Dream in Color" rep, and yes, I ordered the "Classy" weight in a bunch of colors. My rep has her own button company called "bull's eye buttons', so I grabbed a few for the shop... They are cute, perfect for baby sweaters.

I started a little something for Scarlett out of the Malabrigo worsted, I can't stand looking at and not knitting with it. It's from the Debbie Bliss for Juniors book. Adorable...

The yarn is so soft- it just glides through your fingers. I figured this would be cute for her birthday, or she could wear it on the plane to Disney. I love this color- Geranio!! Unfortunately, I have to finish knitting this hat (only 2 rows done so far) and have it felted for tomorrow morning, I am drinking an ice coffee as we speak, and then I will speed knit and stay up tonight as long as I have to. But I will have something ready for tomorrow morning if it kills me!!!!
i think i might marry your store. all i have to think is "i wish a LYS would carry dream in color" and BOOM. here it is. fleece artist. done. lornas. done. malabrigo out the wazoo. done done done. god help my bank account. :)