Well, i found the camera- thank god. The good thing about that is that I get to blog, and take the pictures I need to, for my onine store (in the making). The bad thing about that, is that I will probably hold off on buying a new camera. That idea was starting to really set in with me, I like
this camera A LOT!!! But Santa is coming soon, so maybe then. I scrolled through some of photos that were only the camera, pretty good I must say for a 3 years old. Notice she is taking pics of our dog at
her eye level. Funny huh?

By the time I found the camera, it was too late to take a picture of Scarlett in her frizzy trimmed vest. I think it was referred to as "The Sonny Bono" vest yesterday in the shop. But one of the gals came by today, with her Gumby bag...

She used a combination of Manos and Malabrigo. It is so great, it's the perfect bag to throw your towels in and head to pool, or stash your yarn in to hide it from your husband. She had a shoe maker sew the handles on, which were once a belt, he did a really good job. However, she measured it against Ina's here at the shop, and decided she wanted to felt it a bit more. I kid you not, 15 minutes later, my phone rings, it had already been felted again and was totally perfecto.
Do I have to add this onto my list? I am trying to finish my bee stripe Lorna's socks- so cute so far...But now that my chevron scarf is finished and I wear it all the time, I want to cast on for
these to match... Love those, and I need them badly for the morning commute...