I have Scarlett and the "Sonny Bono Vest" together in one place. I can't believe I am referring to this vest as the Sonny Bono Vest, but the name kind of stuck, so there you have it. This is the Mac & Me pattern "Fur Trimmed Vest", which calls for Blue Sky Alpacas bulky hand dyes, however, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't use something other than what was recommended. I knit the 4T size, and used 2 balls of Rowan big wool, trimmed it with some big wool, and a whole lot of Ozark Hand Spun. Everybody needs a hippy vest!!
The felting get togethers have been great!! This week, a few of us worked on wet felted bracelets, here are the few that I have left. I sold 5 yesterday, eek!!! Now I have to get crackin'!!

There are bunch of new yarns coming in this week, finally Rowan is sending me Cocoon in EVERY COLOR!!!!!!! The were under stocked apparently, and I didn't want to be lame and introduce it with only a couple of colors. I am so super excited to receive the new Manos. When I first ordered it, I was told after Thanksgiving, but I have a feeling, maybe Monday, we will be graced with the new Merino/Silk blend!! Yeah!!!!! Last, but not least, Fleece Artist, should be walking through the door any minute, it's like waiting for your prom date to show up, I am all antsy!! And what is all of this talk about possible snow this Friday night? I hope you will be completely engrossed in your knitting and keeping cozy and warm.
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