Who can bring the sunshine, on a cloudy day? The girls from Dream in Color yarn, that's who. I am always thrilled to open a box of Dream in Color goodies. We got 10 colors of Classy, and a few of the Smooshy sock (so far), which is delicious!! Can we just talk about the colorway "Strange Harvest"?

It's no wonder why this yarn flies out the door. As beautiful as it is on the skein, the colors are just hiding, waiting for you to invite them out to play with your needles. I recently knit the
Hermia sweater from Rowan in November Muse and we were all so surprised by how many colors were really tucked away waiting to emerge.
I finished my brother's hat from the "3 Tams" pattern from Knitty. Obviously, I didn't block it as a tam. He would probably never talk to me ever again if I did. I also upped the needle size from a 6 to an 8 due to his much larger noggin. Hopefully he likes it, and doesn't mind the boo-boo I made. Can you see it? I can, so I'm sending it off a.s.a.p., this way I don't stare at my mistake all day.

I am about to ball some Malabrigo chunky for this...

I don't know how I missed this pattern. It's from Knit 1 magazine Fall 2007 (perhaps it was the cover, you must check it out if you haven't seen it). This vest so cute though, and I think it only calls for 400 yards of bulky. I got an email from Malabrigo by the way, for all of you patient Malabrigo lovers, that I am being shipped next week an order of worsted and chunky, thank you Malabrigo!!
I just ate some Malabrigo chunky for lunch, I love the hat, can't wait to wear it...