Okay, not to get off of the subject, but as I'm typing this entry, I have sirius channel First wave on. I've had is on all day, and it has been treating me oh so good. Berlin is on right now and I feel like going into the bathroom to tease my hair. It brings me back to the 80's- I think I had the highest hair in my high school (I know I was grounded for most of my sophmore year for throwing the best parties EVER when my parents were away). But these were the songs we used to play- we had so much fun. Parachute pants and black rubber bracelets, nike sneakers, and high hair. Things seemed so easy and so much fun then. Excuse me while I stroll down memory lane for a minute. I know you can all relate, well maybe not to be grounded every day or having really high hair, but it was all worth it.
Now back to the knitting world, just a reminder that Annie Modesitt is coming by to teach us how to master knitting with color... February 27 6-9 - space is limited, so be sure to sign up soon than later. Watch out for for a spinning workshop with Marie Carney of Brooklyn Handspun this spring, that should be tons of fun!!
Sounds like you've got some amazing classes coming up. I must check my schedule!